Wednesday, October 31, 2012

YouTube Video

Some fast paced action video highlights from Lithuania's hockey league

Social Media Follows

Follow me on Twitter @rossmaclean, on Pinterest

Hub and Spoke

Hub and Spoke

The objective is to line up all social media to come back to the main website for my programs and increase exposure, participation, revenue and overall awareness of what programming is avaialble to who and when.

Pinterest will help people identify with the brand and programs by pinning it.
Facebook will help in directing traffic to the website by offering peeks at the programming and getting people to like the links, photos, stories and videos that are posted.
Twitter will draw more people to the website by tweeting the dates, times, cost and specs of each development program as well as updating people on the events and how much fun they are.
Blogs will allow us to tell good stories about the programs and get more information and resources out to those who would like to do something similar or push our inititatives.
LinkedIn will allow us to connect and network with other businesses and networks who may be able to assist in the execution and delivery of programming or pass it on to their networks increasing the framework and exposure of the programs.
YouTube will allow us to create videos of what is going on and create teaching tools for players, parents and coaches.


Mike Williams
Devin Maxwell

- age
- gender
- education
- ethnic

- 43
- Male
- Graduate Degree
- Caucasian

- 22
- Male
- In University
- Mixed

- spouse
- children
- relatives

- Yes
- 2
- Brother’s Family of 5

- No
- No
- Parents

- job
- income
- net worth

- Accountant
- 80,000$
- 425, 000$

- Student/Bartender
- 24, 000$
- N/A

- where
- how long
- why there

- Springbank
- 7 Years
- Schools, Demographics

- 17th Ave.
- 5 Months
- Cost, Vibrance


Mike is a first time hockey coach looking to learn more so that he can teach his own kids.

Devin is a fresh out of the minor hockey system university student who wants to get involved into coaching.

Both are first time coaches with different needs and expectations.  Mike wants to help his kids along, Devin is in it for the competition which he now misses desperately.

Mike has a busy schedule with work and does a lot of his work through basic technology such as emails.

Devin is heavy into social media and is very plugged in.

Mike has the need for a lot of external resources and mentorship as he is not a seasoned hockey player but is a casual fan who did play recreationaly growing up.

Devin is resistant to extrenal resources and mentorship because he is confident in his grasp on the process and skills to teach the game.